[1] [2] The multitude of Englishmen and Gauntiners at this siege was great, so that diuerse skirmishes chan|ced betwixt them, and such as were appointed by the earle to lie in garrisons about in the countrie a|gainst them: but still the victorie abode on the Eng|lish side. Also there was an English préest, one sir Iohn Boring that went to Gaunt with fiue hundred English archers, Ia. Meir. by whose aid Arnold Hans one of the capteins of Gaunt ouercame his enimies in bat|tell, which were laid in a castell neere to the hauen of Allost, and stopped that no vittels might safelie come out of Holland or Zeland to be conueied to Gaunt. The earle of Flanders was not well contented in his mind, Anno Reg. 7. that the Englishmen were thus entred in|to his countrie, and therefore earnestlie laboured to the duke of Burgognie (that had married his daugh|ter, and should be heire of all his dominions and seigniories after his deceasse) to find some remedie in the matter.