[1] [2] Also entring into the woods Nepse and Rutholt, they found a great bootie of sheepe and beasts, and tooke a great sort of prisoners of the countrie people, which were fled into those woods for feare of the eni|mies: but the Englishmen, plaieng the part of good bloudhounds, found them out, & sent all their booties and preie vnto Grauelin and Bruckburge. On the eight daie of Iune they came before the towne of Y|pres, and laid siege thereto,The towne of Ypres besiged. whereat they continued the space of nine wéekes. Thither came to their aid twentie thousand Gauntiners vnder the leading of Francis Akreman, Peter Wood, and Peter Win|ter: so that they within Ypres were streictlie besie|ged, but there were within it in garrison diuerse va|liant knights & capteins,The maner of fortifieng townes in old time. which defended the towne right manfullie: it was fensed with a mightie ram|pire, and a thicke hedge, trimlie plashed and woond with thornes, as the manner of fortifieng townes was in ancient time amongst them in that countrie (as Strabo witnesseth.)