[1] The bishop of Norwich for answer, declared to them that were sent, that he tooke the countrie to ap|perteine to the French king, as he that had of late conquered it, whom all the whole world knew to be a Clementine, or at the least he was assured that the countrie thereabouts was of the inheritance of the ladie of Bar, which likewise was a Clementine: and therefore, except the people of that countrie would come and ioine with him to go against such as were knowne to be enimies to pope Urbane, he would suerlie séeke to destroie them. And whereas the earls ambassadors required safe conduct to go into Eng|land [page 443] by Calis, to vnderstand the kings pleasure in this mater, the bishop would grant them none at all; wherefore they went backe againe to the earle their maister with that answer.