[1] When the bishop therefore had set things in good forwardnesse for his iournie, he drew towards the sea side, and was so desirous to passe ouer,The bishop [...] Norwich set|teth forward with his ar|mie. and to in|uade his aduersaries, that although the king sent to him an expresse commandement by letters to re|turne to the court, that he might conferre with him before he tooke the seas; yet excusing himselfe, that the time would not then permit him to staie longer, he passed ouer to Calis, where he landed the 23 of A|prill, in this sixt yeare of king Richards reigne. The armie to attend him in this iournie, Polydor. rose to the num|ber of two thousand horssemen, and fifteene thousand footmen (as some write) though other speake of a far lesser number. Froissard. 500 speares, [...] 115 other. But it should seeme that they went not ouer all at one time, but by parts, as some before the bishop, some with him, and some after him.