[1] [2] The statute against fish|mongers re|pealed, they are restored to their liber| [...]ies.But to saie somewhat of other things that were concluded in this last parlement, we find, that the fishmongers, which through meanes of the late lord ma [...]or Iohn of Northampton and his complices were put from their ancient customes and liberties, which they inioied aforetime within the citie, were now restored to the same againe, sauing that they might not kéepe courts among themselues, as in times past they vsed, but that after the maner of o|ther crafts and companies, all transgressions, offen|ses, and breaches of lawes and customes by them committed, should be heard, tried, and reformed in the maiors court. ¶ All this winter the matter touch|ing the gathering of monie towards the croisie, was earnestlie applied, so that there was leuied what of the disme, and by the deuotion of the people for obtei|ning of the pardon, so much as drew to the summe of fiue and twentie thousand franks.