[1] And although the more part of the lords of the vpper house, and likewise the knights and burgesses of the lower house were earnestlie bent against this iournie; yet at length those that were of the contra|rie mind, preuailed; & so it was decreed, that it should forward, and that the said bishop of Norwich should haue the fiftéenth granted to the king in the last par|lement, [page 442] to paie the wages of such men of warre as should go ouer with him: for soldiers without monie passed not much of pardons, no not in those daies, ex|cept at the verie point of death, if they were not as|sured how to be answered of their wages, or of some other consideration wherby they might gaine. ¶ The tenth that was granted afore by the bishops at Ox|ford, was now in this same parlement appointed to remaine to the king for the kéeping of the seas, whi|lest the bishop should be foorth of the realme in follow|ing those wars.