[1] In the Lent season of this sixt yeare of king Ri|chards reigne, an other parlement was called at London, in the which there was hard hold about the buls sent to the bishop of Norwich from pope Ur|bane, concerning his iournie that he should take in hand against the Clementines (as we may call them, for that they held with pope Clement) whome the Urbanists (that is,Clementines. Urbanists. such as held with pope Urbane) tooke for schismatikes. Diuerse there were, that thought it not good that such summes of monie shuld be leuied of the kings subiects, and the same togither with an armie of men to be committed vnto the guiding of a prelat vnskilfull in warlike affaires. Other there were that would needs haue him to go, that the enimies of the church (as they tooke them) might be subdued.