[1] About Michaelmasse this yeare, certeine naugh|tie disposed persons in Norffolke,A new rebel|lion intended in Norffolke is b [...]wraied by one of the c [...]nspiracie be+fore. not warned by the successe of the late rebellion, went about a new commotion, intending to murther the bishop of Nor|wich, and all the nobles and gentlemen of that coun|trie. And to bring their wicked purpose the better to passe, they determined to haue assembled togither at S. Faithes faire, and to haue compelled all those that should haue béene present at the same faire, to haue taken part with them, or else to haue lost their liues: and this being doone, they would haue taken S. Benets abbeie at Holme, which they would haue kept for a fortresse, to haue withdrawne into vpon a|nie force that had beene against them. But yer they could bring their purpose to passe, one of the conspi|racie bewraieng the matter, they were taken, & lost their heads at Norwich, for their malicious deuises.