[1] [2] In this yeare, the one and twentith of Maie being wednesdaie, a great earthquake chanced about one of the clocke in the after noone; it was so vehement,

A great earth+quake.

Churches o|uerthrowne by the earth|quake.

and namelie in Kent, that the churches were shaken therewith in such wise, that some of them were ouer|throwen to the ground. On the saturdaie after, be|ing the foure and twenti [...]h day of Maie, earelie in the morning, chanced an other earthquake, or (as some write) a watershake, being of so vehement & vi|olent a motion,A wa [...]er|quake. that it made the ships in the hauens to beat one against the other, by reason wherof they were sore brused by such knocking togither, to the great woonder of the people, who being amazed at such strange tokens, stood a long time after in more awe of Gods wrath and displeasure than before, for these so strange and dreadfull woonders thus shewed amongst them: howbeit when these terrors were for|gotten, they followed their former dissolutenes, from the which for a time they were withdrawne through feare of Gods heuie hand hanging ouer their heads; but afterward like swine they wallowed afresh in their puddels of pollusions, & as dogs licked vp their filthie vomit of corruption and naughtinesse, for
Sordida natura semper sequitur sua iura.