[1] [2] About the same time also, when the archbishop of Canturburie sate in iudgement vpon a processe that was framed against one Iohn Aston,The Londo|ners [...] of Wicliffes doctrine. a maister of art, that was an earnest follower of Wicliffes doctrine, the Londoners brake open the doores, where the archbishop with his diuines sate, and caused them to giue ouer, so that they durst procéed no further in that matter. The same yéere were the fishmoongers of London sore disquieted by the foresaid maior,The fishmoon|gers sore tr [...]+bled by the maior. who sought to infringe their liberties, granting licence to forreners to come and sell all manner of fish, as freelie and more fréelie than any of the companie of fishmoongers: for they might not buie it at the forre|ners hands to sell it againe by any meanes, and so that companie which before had beene accompted one of the chiefest in the citie, was now so brought downe, as it séemed to be one of the meanest, being compelled to confesse, that their occupation was no craft, nor worthie so to be accompted amongst other the crafts of the citie.