[1] A lewd fellow that tooke vpon him to be skilfull in physicke and astronomie, caused it to be published thorough the citie of London, that vpon the Ascensi|on euen, there would rise such a pestilent planet, that all those which came abroad foorth of their chambers, before they had said fiue times the Lords praier, then commonlie called the Pater noster, and did not eate somewhat that morning, before their going foorth, should be taken with sicknesse, & suddenlie die there|of. Manie fooles beléeued him, and obserued his or|der; but the next day, when his presumptuous lieng could be no longer faced out, he was set on horsse|backe, with his face towards the taile, which he was compelled to hold in his hand in stéed of a bridle,A co [...]prophet serued aright. and so was led about the citie, with two iorden pots a|bout his necke, and a whetstone, in token that he had well deserued it, for the notable lie which he had made.