[1] [2] [3] The earle of March his good seruice whilest he was deputie in Ireland. Wicliffes doc|trine.About the same time, the lord Edmund Mortimer earle of March, the kings lieutenant in Ireland, de|parted this life, after he had brought in manner all that land to peace and quiet, by his noble and pru|dent gouernement. In this season, Wicliffe set forth diuerse articles and conclusions of his doctrine, which the new archbishop of Canturburie, William Courtneie, latelie remooued from the sée of London, vnto the higher dignitie, did what he could by all shifts to suppresse, and to force such as were the set|ters foorth and mainteiners thereof, to recant, and vtterlie to renounce. What he brought to passe, in the booke of acts and monuments set foorth by mai|ster I. Fox, ye may find at large. The tuesday next af|ter the feast of saint Iohn Port latine, an other par|lement began, in which at the earnest sute and re|quest of the knights of the shires,Iohn Wraie. Iohn Wraie priest that was the chiefe dooer among the commons in Suffolke, at Burie, and Mildenhall, was adiudged to be drawen, and hanged, although manie beleeued, that his life should haue béene redeemed for some great portion of monie.