[1] [2] [3] [4] In time of this parlement William Ufford the earle of Suffolke, being chosen by the knights of the shires, to pronounce in behalfe of the common|wealth, certeine matters concerning the same: the verie daie and houre in which he should haue serued that turne,The sudden death of the earle of Suf|folke. as he went vp the staires, towards the vp|per house, he suddenlie fell downe and died in the hands of his seruants, busie about to take him vp, whereas he felt no gréefe of sickenesse when he came into Westminster, being then and before merrie and pleasant inough, to all mens sights. Of his sudden death, manie were greatlie abashed, for that in his life time, he had shewed himselfe courteous and ami|able to all men. ¶ The parlement shortlie therevpon tooke end, after that the merchants had granted to the king for a subsidie certeine customes of their wools, which they bought and sold, called a maletot, to endure for foure yeares. ¶ The lord Richard Scroope was made lord chancellor, & the lord Hugh Segraue lord treasuror.