[1] [2] After that the solemnitie of the marriage was fi|nished, the parlement eftsoones began, in the which many things were inacted, for the behoofe of the com|monwealth. And amongst other things it was ordei|ned, that all maner manumissions, obligations, re|leasses, and other bonds made by compulsion, dures, and menace, in time of this last tumult and riot a|gainst the lawes of the land; and good faith, should be vtterlie void and adnihilated. And further, that if the kings faithfull liege people did perceiue any gathe|ring of the cõmons in suspected wise, to the number of six or seauen, holding conuenticles togither, they should not staie for the kings writ in that behalfe for their warrant, but foorthwith it should be lawfull for [page 440] them to apprehend such people, assembling togither, and to laie them in prison, till they might answer their dooings. These and manie other things were established in this parlement, of the which, the most part are set foorth in the printed booke of statutes, where ye may read the same more at large.