Snippet: 153 of 517 (1587, Volume 6, p. 439)
[2] Such as should receiue
hir at Douer repaired thi|ther, where at hir landing,
The empe|rours sister affianced to K Richard, is receiued at
A water|shake.
a maruellous and right strange woonder happened; for she was no
sooner out of hir ship, and got to land in safetie with all hir com|panie,
but that foorthwith the water was so troubled and shaken, as the like thing
had not to any mans remembrance euer béene heard of: so that the ship in
which the appointed queene came ouer, was terri|blie rent in péeces, and the
residue so beaten one a|gainst an other, that they were scattered here and
there after a woonderfull manner. Before hir com|ming to the citie of
London, she was met on Black|heath by the maior and citizens of London in
most honorable wise, and so with great
triumph conueied to Westminster, where (at the time appointed) all the
nobilitie of the realme being assembled,The kings
marriage with the em|perors sister. she was ioi|ned in marriage to
the king, and crowned quéene by the archbishop of Canturburie, with all the
glorie and honor that might be deuised. There were also hol|den for the more
honour of the same marriage, so|lemne iustes for certeine daies togither, in
which, as well the Englishmen as the new quéenes countrie|men shewed proofe
of their manhood and valiancie, whereby praise & commendation of
knightlie prow|esse was atchiued, not without damage of both the