[1] [2] Here, after the duke had laid diuerse things to the earles charge, for his disobedience, vnfaithfulnesse, and ingratitude, the earle after the manner of his countrie, not able to forbeare, brake out into reproch|full words against the duke, although he was com|manded by the king to ceasse, where the duke kept si|lence in humble maner, at the first word, when the K. commanded him to hold his peace, so that by reason of the earles disobedience in that behalfe, he was ar|rested. But yet the earls of Warwike and Suffolke vndertaking for his appearance at the next parle|ment, he was suffered to depart, and so the councell brake vp. About the feast of All saints the parle|ment began,The duke of Lancaster & the earle of Northumber|land come to the parlement with great troops of ar|med men. to the which the duke of Lancaster came bringing with him an excéeding number of armed men, and likewise the earle of Northumberland with no lesse companie came likewise to London, & was lodged within the citie, hauing great friend|ship shewed towards him of the citizens, who promi|sed to assist him at all times, when necessitie requi|red, so that his part séemed to be ouerstrong for the duke,The Londo|ners, fréends to the earle of Northumber|land. if they should haue come to anie triall of their forces at that time.