[1] [2] The king hearing such offers, wrote to him, that his pleasure was to haue him to returne home, with all his whole traine; and if the same were not thought sufficient to gard him, he should take of euerie towne by the which he passed, a certeine number of men to attend him vnto the next towne for his safegard, and so it was doone, the king sending him commission to that effect, and thus comming to the court, he was of the king right honorablie receiued. Within few daies after his comming, he exhibited, a grieuous complaint against the earle of Northumberland, for abusing him in diuerse sorts,The duke of Lancaster chargeth the earle of Nor|thumberland with sundrie [...]runes. in time of the late trou|bles, so as his honour was greatlie thereby touched, for which the earle was sent for, and commanded to come vnto Berkhamstéed, where all the lords in ma|ner of the land were assembled in councell.