[1] [2] And lest this one mans confession might séeme in|sufficient, diuerse other of them confessed the same, or much what the like in effect, when they saw no re|medie but present death before their eies. To declare the occasion whie such mischeefes happened thus in the realme, we leaue to the iudgement of those that may coniecture a truth thereof, by conferring the manners of that age & behauiour of all states then, sith they that wrote in those daies, may happilie in that behalfe miffe the trueth, in construing things according to their affections. But truelie it is to be thought, that the faults,The cause of the late tu|mults. as well in one degrée as an other, speciallie the sinnes of the whole nation, procu|red such vengeance to rise, whereby they might be warned of their euill dooings, and séeke to reforme the same in time conuenient. But as it commeth still to passe; when the danger is once ouershot, re|pentance likewise is put ouer, and is no more regar|ded, till an other scourge commeth eftsoones to put men in remembrance of their duetie; so in like man|ner (as séemeth) it chanced in this kings daies, as by [page 439] that which followeth may more plainelie appeare.