[1] The townesmen of S. Albons durst not disobeie the kings commandement, and so hanged vp againe in chaines the dead bodies of their neighbors, great|lie to their shame and reproch, when they could get none other for anie wages to come néere the stink|ing carcasses, but that they were constreined them|selues to take in hand so vile an office. And such was the end of the tumults at S. Albons, where as well as in other places, the vnrulie commons had plaied their parts. To conclude and make an end of these diuelish troubles, to the end it may appeare, in what danger as well the K. as the whole state of the realme stood, by the mischéefous attempts of the vnrulie peo|ple, I haue thought good to declare the confession of Iacke Straw one of their chéefe capteins (and next in reputation amongst them vnto Wat Tiler) when he came to be executed in London, according to iudi|ciall sentence passed against him.