[1] [2] This letter he confessed himselfe to haue written, as Thomas Walsingham affirmeth, with manie o|ther things which he had doone and committed, to the disquieting of the realme,Iohn Ball executed at S. Albons. for the which he was drawne, hanged, and beheaded at saint Albons, the fiftéenth of Iulie, being monday, in this fift yeare of king Richards reigne. On the same daie, the kings iustice sir Robert Trisilian sat vpon the rebels of saint Albons, and other of the countrie of Hertford, afore whome, by such policie as he vsed, there were a great number indicted, and diuerse being arreigned, were found guiltie, as William Grindecob, Willi|am Cadindon, Iohn Barbor, and certeine others, which were hanged and drawne, to the number of fif|teene persons in all; diuerse chéefe men of the towne were committed to prison, as Richard Wallingford, Iohn Garleeke, William Berewill, Thomas Putor and others of the countrie about. There were com|mitted to prison to the number of fourescore per|sons, the which neuerthelesse, by the kings pardon, were released and dismissed.