[1] [2] Thither was brought also to the king from Couen|trie, Iohn Ball preest,Iohn Ball. whome the citizens of Couen|trie had taken, and now here at saint Albons they presented him to the kings presence, wherevpon he was arreigned and condemned, to be drawne, hang|ed, and headed for such notable treasons as he was there conuicted of. He receiued iudgement vpon the saturdaie the first daie that the said sir Robert Trisi|lian sat in iudgement, but he was not executed till the mondaie following. This man had beene a prea|cher the space of twentie yeares, and bicause his doc|trine was not according to the religion then by the bishops mainteined, he was first prohibited to preach in anie church or chappell; and when he ceassed not for all that, but set foorth his doctrine in the streets & fields where he might haue audience, at length he was committed to prison,Iohn Ball [...] prophesie. out of the which he prophesied that he should be deliuered with the force of twentie thousand men, and euen so it came to passe in time of the rebellion of the commons.