[1] [2] Those of the rebels that escaped, were not yet so tamed by that ouerthrow, but that assembling them|selues togither in a rowt, they made towards Col|chester: and comming thither, would haue persuaded the townesmen to haue ioined with them in a new rebellion. But when they could not bring their pur|pose to passe, they marched towards Sudburie. The lord Fitz Walter, and sir Iohn Harleston, vnder|standing which waie they tooke, followed them with a companie of armed men, and suddenlie setting vpon them as they were making their proclamations, slue of them so manie as it liked them, and the other they saued, and suffered to depart, or else committed them to prison. After this, the king came to Hauering at the bowre, and from thence to Chelmisford, where he appointed sir Robert Trisilian to sit in iudgement of the offendors and rebels of that countrie, wherevpon an inquest being chosen, a great number were indi|ted, arreigned, & found giltie, so that vpon some one gallowes there were nine or ten hanged togither.