[1] [2] Here is to be remembred, that the king, after the citie of London was deliuered from the danger of the rebels (as before ye haue heard) in respect of the great manhood, and assured loialtie which had appea|red in the maior, and other of the aldermen, for some part of recompense of their faithfull assistance in that dangerous season,The maior and fiue al|dermen knighted. made the said maior William Walworth knight, with fiue other aldermen his bre|thren, to wit, Nicholas Bramble, Iohn Philpot, Ni|cholas Twiford, Robert Laundre, and Robert Gai|ton, also Iohn Standish, that (as ye haue heard) holpe to slaie Wat Tiler. Moreouer, the king granted, that there should be a dagger added to the armes of the citie of London, in the right quarter of the shield,The armes of London augmented, by additiƵ of the dagger. for an augmentation of the same armes, and for a re|membrance of this maior his valiant act, as dooth ap|peare vnto this daie; for till that time, the citie bare onelie the crosse, without the dagger.