[1] [2] [3] [4] The bishop méeting thus with the knights, exa|mined them streightwaies if there were anie of the traitours there with them. The knights at the first were doubtfull to bewraie their associats: but at last imboldened by the bishops words, declared that two of the chéefe dooers in the rebellion were there present, and the third was gone to prouide for their dinner. The bishop streightwaies commanded those two to be made shorter by the head, and the third he himselfe went to seeke, as one of his shéepe that was lost; not to bring him home to the fold, but to the slaughter-house, as he had well deserued (in the bi|shops opinion) sith he had so mischéefouslie gone a|straie, and alienated himselfe from his dutifull allegi|ance. These persons being executed, and their heads pight on the end of poles, and so set vp at Newmar|ket, the bishop with the knights tooke their waie with all spéed towards Northwalsham in Norffolke,Spenser [...]ish. of Norwich goeth as cap|teine against the [...]bels. where the commons were purposed to staie for an|swer from the king: and as he passed through the countrie, his number increased, for the knights and gentlemen of the countrie, hearing how their bishop had taken his speare in hand, and was come into the field armed, ioined themselues with him.