[1] [2] The commons missing of their purpose for the ha|uing of him,The Norfolk rebels compell the noblemen & gentlemen to be sworne to them. laid hold vpon all such knights and o|ther gentlemen as came in their waie, and were found at home in their houses, compelling them to be sworne to them, and to ride with them through the countrie, as the lord Scales, William lord Morlie, sir Iohn Brewes, sir Stephan Hales, and sir Robert Salle:Sir Robert Salle slaine by one of his own villains. which sir Robert continued not long aliue a|mong them, for he could not dissemble as the residue, but began to reprooue openlie their naughtie doo|ings, for the which he had his braines dasht out by a countrie clowne, one that was his bondman, and so he ended his life, who if he might haue come to haue tried his manhood and strength with them in plaine battell, had beene able to haue put a thousand of those villaines in feare, his valiancie and prowesse was such. The residue taught by his example that they must either dissemble or die for it, were glad to currie fauour, praising or dispraising all things as they saw the commons affected, and so comming into credit with their chéefteine Iohn Littester, that named himselfe king of the commons,The capteine of the Nor|folke rebels forceth the no|blemen and gentlemen to serue him at the table. they were preferred to serue him at the table, in taking the assaie of his meats and drinks, and dooing other seruices, with knéeling humblie before him as he sat at meat, as sir Stephan Hales who was appointed his caruer, and others had other offices assigned them.