[1] Moreouer, they constreined the moonks to deliuer [page 435] vnto the townesmen, a crosse and a chalice of fine gold, and other iewels that belonged to the abbeie, be|ing in value aboue the worth of a thousand pounds in monie, the which was to remaine in the hands of the townsmen, vpon this condition, that if Edmund Brumfield being deliuered out of prison inioied the dignitie of abbat there, and with all put his seale to|gither with the couent seale within the time limited, vnto a writing that should conteine the liberties of the towne, that then the same crosse, chalice, and o|ther iewels should be restored vnto the monasterie, or else the same to remaine for euer to the townes|men as forfeited. Such were the dooings of those re|bels in and about the towne of Burie: and the like disorders & breach of peace followed by the commo|tions of the commons in Cambridgeshire, and in the Ile of Elie, resembling the others in slaughters of men, destroieng of houses, and all other sorts of mis|chéefe.