[1] Neither did the townesmen of S. Albons, and the tenants of other townes and villages thereabout, that belonged to the abbeie of S. Albons, thus outra|giouslie misdemeane themselues, but euerie where else the commons kept such like stur, so that it was rightlie called the hurling time,The hurting time. there were such hur|lie burlies kept in euerie place, to the great danger of ouerthrowing the whole state of all good gouern|ment in this land. For euen the selfe same saturdaie after Corpus Christi day, in Suffolke there were got togither to the number of fiftie thousand men, by the setting on of Iohn Wraw, a naughtie lewd priest, that had beene first among the Essexmen at Lon|don,The [...] of the Su|folke rebels. and was sent downe in all post hast from Wat Tiler, to stir the commons in those parts to commit the like mischéefe as he had séene begun about Lon|don. These fellowes therfore, after they were assem|bled togither, fell to the destroieng of the manors and houses of men of law, & such lawiers as they caught, they slue, and beheded sir Iohn Cauendish lord chiefe iustice of England,Sir Iohn Cauendish lord chiefe iustice be|headed. and set his head vpon the pillorie in the market place in S. Edmunsdburie.