[1] But to speake of all the vnrulie parts of those vn|rulie people, it were too long a processe: yet at length after they vnderstood how their grand capteine and chéefe ringleader Wat Tiler was slaine, they be|gan somewhat to asswage their presumptuous at|tempts, the rather for that there came a knight with the kings letter of protection in behalfe of the abbat and his house, and yet they were not so calmed, but that they continued in requiring to haue chapters made to them by the abbat, of the like forme and ef|fect [...]o that which the king had made, concerning the infranchising them from bondage, whereby they that obteined such charters tooke themselues to be dis|charged of all seruices and accustomed labors, so that they meant not to doo any further works, nor yeeld such customes as before time they vs [...]allie had béene accustomed to doo and yéeld vnto their landlords.