[1] [2] The commons hauing obteined this charter de|parted home, but ceassed not from their riotous de|meanour in sundrie parts of the realme, and especi|allie at saint Albons,The townes|men of saint Albons not yet quieted. where after the townesmen were returned home, they kept such a coile against the abbat and moonks, to haue certeine ancient char|ters deliuered them that concerned their liberties, and to haue such new made and deliuered to them as might serue their purpose; that bicause such old char|ters as they requested were not to be had, the abbat and moonks looked euerie houre when their house should be set on fire and burnt ouer their heads. The prior and certeine other as well moonks as laie men that were seruants to the abbat, fled for feare of the rage of those misgouerned people, knowing that they hated them deadlie, and therefore looked for no cour|tesie at their hands. They had obteined the kings let|ters vnto the abbat, commanding him to deliuer vn|to them such charters as they had giuen information to be remaining in his hands, so that vnder colour thereof, they called for those writings in most impor|tunate wise, threatning sore, if they were not brought to light, vtterlie to destroie the house by setting it on fire.