[1] [2] [3] [4] They were now diuided into thrée parts, one vn|der the leading of Iacke Straw, tooke in hand to ru|inate that house, and an other number of them lay on mile end greene, and the third companie kept vpon the tower hill, and would not suffer anie vittels to be conueied into the tower, where the king at that time was lodged, and was put in such feare by those rude people, that he suffered them to enter into the tower,The lord chã|cellor and the lord trea [...]uror drawne out of the tower and put to death by the rebels. where they sought so narowlie for the lord chancelor, that finding him in the chappell, they drew him foorth togither with the lord treasuror, and on the tower hill without reuerence of their estates and degrees, with great noise and fell cries, they stroke off their heads. There were also beheaded at the same time by those rude people, one of the kings seruants that was a sergeant at armes called Iohn Leg, who had vsed himselfe somewhat extremelie in gathering vp of the pole monie, as by one writer it appeareth. Also to make vp the messe, Thom. Wals. they beheaded a Francis|cane Frier, whom they had taken there at the same time, for malice of the duke of Lancaster, bicause he was verie familiar with him. ¶ Some write that this frier was confessor, and other say that he was physician to the king; but what soeuer he was, the commons chopped off his head, to beare the other companie, not sparing for anie respect that might be alledged in any of their behalfes.