[1] Also they caused them to sweare that they should be readie to come to them whensoeuer they sent for them, and induce all their neighbours to take part with them. And further, that they should neuer yéeld to anie tax to be leuied in the realme, except a fif|téenth onelie. Thus it came to passe, that after it was spred abroad what stur these Essex and Kentishmen kept;The commõs of other shires hearing of the stur in Kent & Essex, rise in like maner. the commons also in the counties of Sussex, Hertford, Cambridge, Suffolke, and Norffolke, and other shires about, bustled vp and ran togither on heapes, so that the number of those vnrulie people maruellouslie increased, in such wise as now they fea|red no resistance, and therefore began to shew proofe of those things which they had before conceiued in their minds,Lawiers, iu|stices & iurors brought to blockam feast by the rebels. beheading all such men of law, iustices, and iurors as they might catch, and laie hands vpon, without respect of pitie, or remorse of conscience, al|ledging that the land could neuer enioy hir natiue and true libertie, till all those sorts of people were dispatched out of the waie.