[1] But Thomas Walsingham affirmeth, that the first sparkes of this rebellion kindled in Essex,The commõs of Essex begin the commotiõ as Wal. saith. where the inhabitants of two townes onelie at the first, that were the authors and first stirrers of all this mis|chéefe, did send vnto euerie little towne about, that all manner of men, as well those that were aged, as others that were in their lustiest time and youthfull [page 430] yeares, should come to them with speed, setting all ex|cuses apart, in their best arraie and furniture for warre, threatening to such as came not, that their goods should be spoiled, their houses burnt or cast downe, and they to lose their heads when th [...]y were taken. The terror of this threatning caused the igno|rant people to flo [...]ke to them by heaps, leauing all their businesse, letting plough and cart stand, forsak|ing wife, children, and houses, so that in a short time there were fiue thousand gotten togither of those commons and husbandmen, of which number manie were weaponed onelie with staues, some with rustie swords and billes,The armor of ye Essex rebels and other with smokie bowes, more ruddie than old yuorie, not hauing past two or thrée arrowes, and the same happilie with one feather a peece.