[1] [2] Great noise rose about this matter in the stréets, and the poore folks being glad, euerie man arraied himselfe to support Iohn Tiler, & thus the commons drew togither, and went to Maidestone, and from thence to Blackheath, where their number so increa|sed, that they were reckoned to be thirtie thousand. And the said Iohn Tiler tooke vpon him to be their cheefe capteine, naming himselfe Iacke Straw. ¶Others write, that one Thomas Baker of Fob|hings was the first that procured the people thus to assemble togither: and that one of the kings ser|uants named Iohn Leg, with three of his fellowes, practised to féele yoong maids whether they were vn|dergrowne (as yée haue hard the officer did at Dert|ford) which dishonest and vnséemelie kind of dealing did set the people streight in such a rage and vprore, that they cared not what they did to be reuenged of such iniuries.