[1] Where this rebellion of the commons first began, diuerse haue written diuerslie. One author writeth; that (as he learned by one that was not farre from the place at that time) the first beginning should be at Dert+ford in Kent: for when those pole shillings,The begin|ning of the re|bellion at Der+ford in Kent. or rather (as other haue) pole grotes, were to be col|lected, no small murmuring, curssing, and repining among the common people rose about the same, and the more indeed, through the lewd demenour of some vndiscréet officers, that were assigned to the gathe|ring thereof, insomuch that one of those officers be|ing appointed to gather vp that monie in Dertford aforesaid, came to the house of one Iohn Tiler, that had both seruants in his house, and a faire yong maid to his daughter. The officer therefore demanding monie for the said Tiler and for his wife, his ser|uants, and daughter, the wife being at home, and hir husband abroad at worke in the towne, made an|swer that hir daughter was not of age, and there|fore she denied to paie for hir.