[1] [2] It was meant therefore that if the duke of Lan|caster could compasse his purpose, for the which he went at that time into Scotland, to the honour of the king and realme, then should he shortlie after fol|low his brother of Cambridge with a great power, to trie what chance God would send to him, against his aduersarie the king of Castile. ¶In the meane time other incidents fell within the realme in the fourth yeare of king Richard, sore to the disquieting of the same, and vtter disappointing for that time of the duke of Lancasters intent. The commons of the realme sore repining, not onelie for the pole grotes that were demanded of them,The cõmons by reason of the great sub|sidie and other oppressions rise in diuerse parts of the realme. by reason of the grant made in parlement (as yée haue heard) but also (as some write) for that they were sore oppressed (as they tooke the matter) by their land-lords, that demanded of them their ancient customes and seruices, set on by some diuelish instinct & persuasion of their owne beastlie intentions, as men not content with the state wherevnto they were called, rose in diuerse parts of this realme, and assembled togither in com|panies, purposing to inforce the prince to make them frée, and to release them of all seruitude,Uillaines. where|by they stood as bondmen to their lords and superi|ours.