[1] [2] [3] [4] About this time did Iohn Wicliffe chieflie set foorth his opinion touching the sacrament of the al|tar, denieng the doctrine of transubstantiation,Wicliffes opi|nion. and that it ought not in any wise to be worshipped in such sort as the church of Rome then did teach. ΒΆ There were ambassadors sent into Germanie, to treat with the emperour for a marriage to be had, betwixt the king of England, and the emperours sister. About the beginning of March they returned, bringing with them the cardinall, intituled of saint Praxed, and the duke of Tarsilia, and other nobles that came from the emperor, to treat with the king & his coun|cell about the same marriage. This cardinall,The cardinal of Praxed. whe|ther he passed the bounds of his commission and au|thoritie to him granted by the pope (as some write) or whether he was furnished with such faculties, he was very liberall in bestowing of them abrode on all such as would come with monie. Indulgences, which the pope had vsed onelie to reserue for himselfe to be|stow, this man granted the same liberallie, both bi|ennals and triennals.Triennals. He gaue also letters confes|sionall, [page 429] to all those that would paie for them, admit|ting aswell beneficed men as other,All for monie. to be the popes chapleins. He made notaries for monie, and denied not altars portatiue to anie that would pay for them.