[1] [2] But now to the effect of this parlement. There was a new and strange subsidie or taske granted to be le|uied for the kings vse,A gréeuous subsidie. and towards the charges of this armie that went ouer into France with the earle of Buckingham; to wit, of euerie préest secular or regular six shillings eight pence, and as much of euerie nunne, and of euerie man & woman married or not married being 16 yeares of age (beggers cer|tenlie knowne onlie excepted) foure pence for euerie one.Twelue [...] as some [...] Great grudging & manie a bitter cursse follow|ed about the leuieng of this monie, & much mischéefe rose thereof, as after it appeared. ¶ In this fourth yeare of king Richards reigne, immediatlie after Christmasse, Thom. Wal [...] Thomas Brantingham bishop of Exe|ter and lord treasuror, was discharged of his office of treasurorship, and sir Robert Hales lord of S. Iohns was aduanced in his place, a right noble and manlie knight, but not beloued of the commons.