[1] About the feast of S. Martine, was a parlement holden at Northampton to the more trouble of them that came to it,A parlement at Northamp|ton. bicause in that season of the yeare they were constreined to come where there was no store of fewell to make them fiers: and beside that, lodgings were verie streict for so great a multitude. But the cause that mooued the councell to appoint this parlement there, was to the end that they might the more fréelie procéed to the triall of Iohn Kirkbie a citizen of London,Iohn Kirkbie executed for murthering a merchant stranger. that had murthered the Geno|w [...]is (as before ye haue hard) which Kirkbie was con|demned at this parlement, and drawne and hanged in the sight of the Londoners that were come thi|ther, which execution if it should haue beene doone at London, the lords doubted least some tumult might haue béene raised by the citizens, who were reckoned in those daies verie rash and presumptuous in their dooings.