[1] One of the letters was directed to sir Bertram de Cleaquin, an other to the lord de la Riuer the cham|berlaine of France, an other to the lord Clisson, and an other to the patrone of the gallies, and to the cap|teine of the armie of Frenchmen and Spaniards, which at the same time wasting alongst the coasts, did much hurt in diuerse places of the land. Foorthwith the said Philpot and others were sent in post from the king to the duke of Lancaster, that for somuch as the said sir Rafe Ferrers was then in the north parts with him, intreating with the Scots, he should ar|rest him and put him in safe kéeping, which comman|dement the duke did accomplish, and committed him to be safelie kept in the castell of Duresme, but short|lie after in the next parlement he was set at libertie, foure barons being bound for his foorth comming, till time that he might more euidentlie declare his innocencie.