[1] An armie lin|gering in the north parts greatlie impo|uerisheth the countrie.About Michaelmasse the duke of Lancaster, the earles of Warwike, and Stafford, with other lords and men of honor, hauing with them a great power of souldiers and men of warre, went into the north parts, and comming to the borders, they laie there till they had consumed no small summes of monie, and indamaged the countrie as much as if the Sco|tish armie had inuaded the same. The good they did, was, that after long treatie with the Scotish com|missioners, a truce was agreed vpon till Easter fol|lowing, which being concluded, they returned home without any more adoo.Additions to Adam Meri|muth. For the space of halfe a score yeares togither now last past, the Englishmen eue|rie yeare had one or two such treaties with the Scots about the incursions and rodes which they yearelie made into the English borders, sore indamaging the inhabitants of those north parts of the realme, not|withstanding any truce or abstinence of warre that might be concluded.