[1] The earle of Buckingham, when he vnderstood of this peace, was not a little displeased in his mind, considering that the duke of Britaine had delt so vn|iustlie with him and his nephue the king of Eng|land. But the duke still excused him by his subiects, as though if he had not thus agreed, he should haue beene in danger to haue lost his heritage of that countrie. Finallie, the earle after he had ships proui|ded for his passage, the eleuenth of Aprill departed out of Uannes, and came to the hauen where his ships laie, and so went aboord in like maner as oth [...]r of his men did from other hauens, and shortlie after (when the wind serued) tooke the seaî€ and returned in|to England,The earle of Buckingham returned into England. sore displeased with the duke of Bri|taine for his great vntruth and dissimulation (as he tooke it) notwithstanding all excuses to cloake the matter by him alledged.