[1] [2] The dukes of Aniou, Berrie, Burgognie, and Burbon, brethren to the late king, and vncle to his sonne the yoong king, hauing the gouernance of the realme vnder him, sent six hundred speares with all spéed to strengthen them of Naunts, which defended the citie in such wise from the puissance of the Eng|lishmen, who enuironed the same with a strong s [...]ege, that in the end, bicause the duke came not to them (according to his promise) the siege was raised the morrow after New yeares daie,The siege at Naunts bro|ken vp. two moneths and foure daies after the same was first laid. The duke of Britaine would gladlie haue come to the siege of Naunts, in strengthening of the English host, but he could not persuade his lords to aid him in anie such enterprise. And therefore now that the earle of Buckingham had broken vp his siege, he caused him to be lodged in the citie of Uannes, & his men abroad in the countrie, some here, and some there, acquiting himselfe as well towards them as he might.