[1] There chanced manie small skirmishes amongst those that rode foorth to discouer the countrie, but no notable incounter at all. For the Englishmen in those daies were cats not to be catched without mit|tens (as Iacob Meir in one place saith) & againe the French men were as warie how they aduentured to come néere them, peraduenture for feare, as in the reigne of king Edward the 3, as C.O. noteth, saieng,

Contra aciem magnam tremebundo corde ValesusIn Angl. [...] sub [...]
In campum adiunctum & vicina coẽgerat arua,
Non tamen Anglig [...]nas aduersum est ausus aperto
Tendere Marte feris confligere fortiter armis.