[1] [2] About the same time, or rather somewhat before, the lord Oliuer de Clisson, with a number of ships and gallies of France and Spaine, tooke the sea, and comming on the coast of England, landed in diuerse places of the west countrie, and also in the south parts, spoiling and burning sundrie townes,The French men spoile & burne d [...]uerse townes in the west coun [...]ie. taking such ships and vessels as they might laie hold vpon, and so continued to indamage the English people that inhabited néere to the sea side, all that summer following. ¶In the beginning of the fourth yeare of this king, Anno Reg. 4. Thomas of Woodstoke earle of Bucking|ham, vncle to the king, Froissard. The earle of Buckingham sent into Bri|taine to aid the duke a|gainst the French king. with an armie of seauen or eight thousand men of armes and archers, was sent ouer to Calis, that he might inuade France, and passe through the same to come into Britaine vnto the aid of the duke there. ¶ You haue heard how the French king had seized into his hands the more part of the duchie of Britaine, bicause that the duke had ioined himselfe in league with the king of England: but yet there were diuerse of the good townes, and also manie of the barons and nobles of the countrie which kept themselues as neuters a long season; but at length, longing to see the re [...]urne of their naturall lord and duke, sent for him into England, requi|ring him to repaire home, and to sée to the quieting of the troubled state of his countrie.