[1] [2] On the seuenth of Iune,A comb [...] [...]twixt [...] A [...] Thoma [...] [...]tring [...]. a combat was fought afore the kings palace at Westminster, on the pauement there, betwixt one sir Iohn Anneslie knight, and one Thomas Katrington esquier: the occasion of which strange and notable triall rose hereof. The knight ac|cused the esquier of treason, for that where the for|tresse of saint Sauiour within the Ile of Constan|tine in Normandie, belonging som [...]time to sir Iohn Chandois, had béene committed to the said Katring|ton, as capteine the [...] [...]o keepe it against the eni|mies, he had for [...] and deliuered it ouer to the Frenchmen, where he was sufficientlie proui|ded of men, munition and vittels, to haue defended it against them; and sith the inheritance of that fortresse and landes belonging thereto, had apperteined to the said Anneslie in right of his wife, as neerest cousine by affinitie vnto sir Iohn Chandois, if by the false conueiance of the said Katrington, it had not béene made awaie, and alienated into the enimies hands: he offered therefore to trie the quarrell by combat, a|gainst the said Katrington, whervpon was the same Katrington apprehended, and put in prison, but short|lie after set at libertie againe.