[1] [2] [3] [4] In this parlement also, the lord Richard Scrope gaue ouer the office of chancellor,The archbi|shop of Can|turburie made lord chancel|lour. and Simon Sud|burie archbishop of Canturburie tooke it vpon him. ¶ In this parlement was granted a tenth by the cleargie, and a fifteenth by the laitie, with condition that from hencefoorth, to wit, from the kalends of March, to the feast of S. Michaell, which then should be in the yeare 1381, there should be no more parle|ments, but this condition was not performed, as af|ter appeared. In the octaues of Easter, the lord Ua|leran earle of saint Paule married the kings halfe sister,The kings halfe sister married the earle of saint Paule. the ladie Ione de Courtnie: the solemnizati|on of this marriage was holden at Windsore, with great triumphing. ¶ The princesse that was mother to the bride, was greatlie against the marriage, but the bride hir selfe had such a liking to the earle, that the king was contented that they should match togi|ther, and set him free of his ransome which he should haue paid, for that he had béene taken prisoner in the marches of Calis, and further, gaue with his sister by waie of endowment, the towneship and manour of Bie [...]léet.