[1] [2] [3] [4] In this yeare about Christmasse, sir William de Montacute earle of Salisburie, after he had remai|ned twelue moneths space at Calis, the kings lieute|nant there was called home,Sir Iohn Deuereux made deputie of Calis. & sir Iohn Deuereux a right valiant knight, and an old man of warre, was sent thither in his place. ¶ Also, sir Iohn Harleston was called home from Chierburg, and sir William Windeshore a noble knight was sent thither to be capteine of that fortresse. ¶After the Epiphanie, was a parlement called at London, which continued till the beginning of the kalendes of March. ¶Also wher|as the yeare before there had beene certeine bishops, earles, barons, and iustices appointed, to haue the go|uernement and rule about the king; now at the re|quest of the lords and commons in this parlement as|sembled;The earle of Warwike ele|cted protector. the lord Thomas Beauchampe earle of Warwike was chosen to remaine continuallie with the king, as chéefe gouernour, both of his person, and to giue answer to all strangers that should come hi|ther about any businesse whatsoeuer, and further to haue the rule and order of all things, in lieu of those that were chosen thereto before: it was perceiued that they had sought to inrich themselues, & had doone little to the aduancement of the kings honor, or state of the common-wealth, but rather emptied the kings cofers.