[1] About the feast of S. Nicholas, in this third yeare of king Richards reigne, there went to sea an armie of men, that should haue passed ouer into Britaine, to the aid of the duke there, vnder the conduct of sir Iohn Arundell, sir Hugh Caluerlie, sir Thomas Percie, sir William Elmham, sir Thomas Morews, sir Tho|mas Banester, & manie other knights and esquires, too long to rehearse, a sufficient power vndoubted|lie to haue doone a great enterprise: but they were no sooner on the sea, but suddenlie there arose such an hideous tempest of wind and stormes, that they loo|ked presentlie to be all cast awaie, they were scatte|red here and there,The English [...]ame scatte| [...]d by a terri| [...]le tempest. and driuen they wist not whither. The ship wherein sir Iohn Arundell was aboord, chanced to be cast on the coast of Ireland, and there driuen to forsake his ship, that was readie to be bro|ken in péeces by rage of waues, beating it there a|gainst the rocks: he was drowned before he could win to land, in an Ile, neere to the which they had thrust in the ship.