[1] About the same time, Iohn Schakell esquier was set at libertie, the king compounded with him for his prisoner, giuing fiue hundred marks in redie monie, and lands to the value of a hundred marks by yeare. When he should bring foorth his prisoner, and deliuer him to the king, this is to be noted, as a thing verie strange and woonderfull. For when he should appeare, it was knowne to be the verie groome that had ser|ued him in all the time of his trouble, and would ne|uer vtter himselfe what he was before that time, ha|uing serued him as an hired seruant all that while in prison, and out of prison, in danger of life, when his o|ther maister was murthered,A notable ex|ample of a faithfull pri|soner. where, if he would haue vttered himselfe, he might haue beene enterteined in such honorable state, as for a prisoner of his degrée had beene requisit, so that the faithfull loue and assu|red constancie in this noble gentleman was highlie commended and praised, and no lesse maruelled at of all men.