[1] The lord de la Uall amongst other, came to him (as we find in Thomas Walsingham) offering him his seruice as well as the residue. At his landing, he was likelie to haue lost all such furniture, as well of vit|tels, apparell, hangings, bedding, armour, and other things, which either he or his traine had brought with them. For the French gallies espieng their time, im|mediatlie as he and his companie were set on land, before the ships in which the said furniture was fraught, could enter the hauen, which was somewhat streight and narrow, came vpon them, and had them at such aduantage,Sir Hugh Caluerlie. that if sir Hugh Caluerlie with his archers had not caused the master of his ship, e|uen against his will to returne againe to the rescue, the gallies had taken and gone awaie with the other ships; but through the manfull prowes of sir Hugh, the gallies were repelled, & the ships saued: for accor|ding to his woonted valiancie he would not returne, till he saw all other in safetie, & then defending him|selfe so well as he might, withdrew into the hauen, and landed safelie with the residue.